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Vernon Grounds

Vernon Grounds

Dr. Vernon C. Grounds, Our Daily Bread writer, went to be with the Lord on September 12, 2010, at the age of 96. He wrote over 500 articles from 1993–2009 for the publication. Former president of Denver Seminary and chancellor, Dr. Grounds also had  an extensive preaching, teaching, and counseling ministry. He is deeply missed by many for his godly wisdom and example. For more of his life's story >>

Articles by Vernon Grounds

The Comeback King

We admire anyone who makes a comeback after failure and defeat. In 2001, Sports Illustrated magazine featured an article on the greatest comebacks of all time. Surprisingly, they selected the resurrection of Jesus as number one. It was stated this way: “Jesus Christ, 33 ad. Defies critics and stuns the Romans with His resurrection.”

Mistaken Confidence

A successful businessman made this statement: “Almost every religion talks about a savior coming. When you look in the mirror in the morning, you’re looking at the savior. Nobody else is going to save you but yourself.”

What Money Can’t Buy

Money is a necessary part of living. Without it, we couldn’t secure the necessities or luxuries of life. But there are things money can’t buy. As preacher W. A. Criswell said, “Money will buy luxuries, but it will not buy spiritual power. Money will buy advancement and preferment, but it will not buy the recognition of God. Money will buy . . . favor and accolades, but it will not buy soul respect.”

“Dead Is Dead”

Do you ever think about your inevitable death? Or are you like the influential theater tycoon Bernard Jacobs, who said, “Of all the things in the world I think least about, it’s what happens after you die. Dead is dead.”

An Atheist’s Witness

Aware that love of God and neighbor is a central teaching of Scripture, I did my doctoral dissertation on “The Concept of Love in the Psychology of Sigmund Freud.” I learned that though this influential thinker had no faith in God, he stressed the supreme importance of love.

Trampling Temptation

Ardent baseball fans will remember Kirby Puckett, who died suddenly in 2006. He had led the Minnesota Twins to championship victories in 1987 and 1991. Even though he was offered larger contracts by other teams, he stayed with the Twins for his entire career. When Puckett was diagnosed with glaucoma in 1996, his career ended abruptly.

Dead Or Alive

Long lines of visitors from all over the world wait patiently day after day to visit Lenin’s Tomb and view his embalmed body. Although he died in 1924, the corpse of that Communist leader has seemingly suffered no decomposition. It looks deceptively lifelike. And its appearance is indeed deceptive. Skillful artists monitor the preserved corpse, artificially coloring its face and using wax to fill in any lines or the smallest spot of decay.

What’s The Cost?

Years ago when Romania was under the control of Communism, Bela Karolyi coached gymnastics. He skillfully developed the talents of stars such as gold-medalist Nadia Comaneci. For his success in training athletes who were bringing fame to his Iron Curtain country, he was rewarded with an expensive car and many other favors. But Bela hungered for freedom. So one day, carrying only a small suitcase, he resolutely walked out of Romania into penniless liberty.

Forgetting God

An insightful scholar by the name of A. J. Heschel recounts a story from his days as a student in Berlin. Although he was a devout man, he became so preoccupied by the arts in that glittering culture that one day he failed to pray at sunset, as his custom had been without fail. He admits, “The sun had gone down, evening had arrived . . . . I had forgotten God.”